CRE Book Fair

We are very excited about Book Fair this year. Please pay close attention to hours of operation and when parents can accompany their child shopping. The hours of operation are as follows: Wednesday- 7:00 AM-4:15 PM Parents must accompany their child Wednesday morning...

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Choir Registration Form

Below is the link for the Choir Registration Form. The link will be open to accept registrations at 4:00pm today. Choir is open to students learning on-campus in 4th and 5th grade. Our choir is limited to 50 participants this school year and an email will be sent to...

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We welcome you to “Pop In” for a brief visit to Cactus Ranch! Many families have not had the opportunity to actually see the inside of Cactus Ranch this year, and we understand that is hard! During our Pop In, teachers will be on hand to say hello and show off your...

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