“Hour of Code” is a global initiative that aims to introduce people of all ages to the basics of coding and computer science. This event typically takes place during Computer Science Education Week, which is held annually in early December. The goal of the Hour of Code is to demystify coding and make it accessible to everyone, emphasizing that anyone can learn the basics of programming. During the Hour of Code, participants engage in coding activities that often involve creating simple programs, games, or animations. The activities are designed to be beginner-friendly, requiring no prior coding experience.
In a momentous occasion for the Cactus Ranch community, Code Ninjas recently visited for Hour of Code, bringing the fascinating world of coding directly to the eager hearts and minds of the students. This engaging and interactive coding session left an indelible mark on the young learners.
From the outset, it was evident that this wasn’t just a coding session; it was an immersive experience that captivated the imaginations of the students. The prospect of creating their own ninja game had them spellbound, and the palpable enthusiasm in the room was a testament to the success of the day.
The impact of the visit goes beyond the classroom. It is believed to resonate in the hearts and minds of the children, encouraging them to embrace the world of coding and unlocking their creative potential.